Green Lemon, Spearmint and Grapefruit
For curious and demanding music lovers. From his wide selection we recommend:
• Lachrimae Caravaggio: on music by Monteverdi, Gesualdo, Trabaci and Luigi Rossi’s laments. A music intertwined with the beauty of Caravaggio’s music, full of emotion and spirituality, capable of touching our soul.
• Invocation a la nuit: “Night is the salvation of the soul”, “It is at night that faith in light is admirable” Edmund Rostand.
Jordi Savall believes that it is the mysterious night the one that can entirely embrace the silence, that element so essential in music. It is then that the night reveals to us the most secret laments, the most hidden joys and the farthest of whispers…
A delicate work of musical goldsmithing on compositions by Marin Marais, Joseph Haydn, W.A. Mozart, Henry Purcell, Anthony Holborne, G.F. Haendel,…